IP Guard

IPWatch guards your intellectual properties on a retainer and keeps you informed about all threats to your goodwill, business and reputation of your intellectual property posed by counterfeiters, infringers, and imitators.
IPWatch patrols all the markets—retail, wholesale, as well as distributors—of Pakistan, guarding your famous and well-known intellectual property against counterfeiting, infringements, imitations, and misuse of IP agreements. It also keeps a close vigil on newly-filed applications at the Trademark, Copyright, and Patent offices, against registration of claims similar to your IPs.
It is also a permanent watch on Trademark Journal and Patent Gazettes keeping you abreast of the information it gathers so that you could take quick and effective counteraction to safeguard your IPs.
Why IP Guard
Watchdog against market threats to your IPs: Pakistan is full of all sorts of business ventures, some of which may disregard the very concept of intellectual property rights. They may copy your world renown intellectual property, thus spoiling your goodwill and reputation, and causing severe financial losses. There is a strong need to keep a vigilant eye on the market and the IP offices to ensure that nobody infringes upon your trademarks, copyrights, or patents.
Guarding against misuse of IP agreements: At times, even your licensees, franchisees, exclusive agents, sole distributors, and indentors may be misappropriating their agreements. IPWatch also keeps a vigilant eye on them, and reports to you any violation by them.

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